Opening the Flash Player applet will launch the Flash Player Settings Manager where you have the options to allow sites to save information, prompt when a new site is storing information, or simply blocking all sites from storing information. A “Delete All” button is available at the Storage tab to remove all flash cookies.

Jan 18, 2018 Demystifying/Abusing Flash Cookies | Zscaler Yet, what many don't realize, is that the same tracking features they are trying to avoid are not only alive and well, but exist in a much more powerful form, thanks to Flash cookies. Local SharedObjects were first introduced in Flash Player 6.0 in March 2002, so they've been around for a while. Save Games: Troubleshooting | Blue Bottle Games

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윈도우 7 이상 - C:\Users\사용자 이름\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player \#SharedObjects\(사람마다 다름)\localhost . 윈도우 10 - C:\사용자\사용자 이름\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player \#SharedObjects\(사람마다 다름. 보통 알 수 없는 숫자와 영문 조합)\localhost . 라고합니다. List of every item position 1: The Sad Onion 2: The Inner Eye 3: Spoon Bender 4: Max's Head 5: My Reflection 6: Number one 7: Blood of the Martyr 8: Brother Bobby 9: Skatole 10: Halo of Flies 11: 1up! 12: Magic Mushroom 13: The Virus 14: Roid Rage 15: <3 16: Raw Liver 17: Skeleton Key 18: A dollar! 19: Boom! 20: Transcendence 21: The Compass 22: Lunch 23: Dinner 24: Dessert 25: Breakfast 26

The flash cookie files are saved with .sol extension, and their content is stored in binary format, and thus regular text editor/viewer cannot display them. Known Issues Some flash cookie files cannot be parsed by FlashCookiesView, and in these cases, the lower pane will be empty.

Excluding Macromedia folder in roaming profiles - XenApp 7 AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys . AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects however when running a report I see 126 MB in a user profile under "AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\adobeconnectaddin" with very little data in the 2 above mentioned …