DD-WRT: Setting up a home Wireless Distribution System Apr 15, 2007 #2657 (very old BUG: Client Bridge Mode on WAP54G and Maybee, this bug still extists on wrt54gl, too. So the client-bridge mode is "not really" transparent like a real L2-switch. All Firewall-Functions are disabled in the config. Using the wrong mac-address results in failing of correct dhcp-assignments for the clients behind the bridge.

Linksys Official Support - Configuring the Wireless Bridge

WDS Linked router network - DD-WRT Wiki [Client] Set the Local IP Address to one in the same subnet as the host router (e.g. (host/internet gateway) and (client router)). If the host router has been reset, set its Local IP Address as well. On the client, set the Gateway and Local DNS IP … How to: Set Tomato Firmware for Wireless Client Modes In bridge mode, the LAN IP address of your client router is actually irrelevant. You could set it to and the bridge will work. However, if you do this—or set it to an IP outside the primary router's subnet—you will lose access to the client router's administration interface.

May 31, 2006

Mar 04, 2014 · Once the router is a client of your hotspot, your router will use the network address range provided by the hotspot. Can you ping which is presumably your router? Have you tried your router at The WRT54GL router must already have dd-wrt installed before you begin this process. 1 -First start by backing up your current CFE.BIN file and keep it in a safe place 2- Enable ssh services in the dd-wrt configuration at