Porn Sites not Blocked by Opendns - How to do with FamiSafe

Apr 13, 2015 Windows 10 family safety not working at all - Microsoft Jun 28, 2016 Blocking Sites not working - NETGEAR Communities The section to add domains and keywords in the Advanced > Security > Block Sites page is misleading and the basic functionality needs to be improved in the following ways: 1. It says to "type keyword of domain here" to enter a domain to block. There is no mention that the protocol is limited to http and that https will not be blocked. Aussie Censors Won't Identify Blocked Sites - Slashdot I think it would be a good idea to exclude porn (but not art) from the blocked site of the day. Example: blocking software already seems to block a very high precentage of feminist sites.. and feminists will natrually get much more pissed off about this then the porn.

Sep 10, 2019

Porn sites that wont be blocked? | Yahoo Answers May 06, 2012

I am unable to access any porn websites on any of the browser. I ran the windows defender there are no harmful files detected. But i am able to browse general websites. I am facing this issue after i upgraded to Windows 10.None of the porn sites are getting loaded,some thing is preventing those websites to load. Please help me on this ASAP?

Feb 07, 2020