novel buffer management scheme, Lazy-Split LRU (LS-LRU), for a flash-based B+-tree index. The key features of LS-LRU are as follows: +LS-LRU maintains buffered index entries in a B -tree structure. This has a twofold significance: index entries can be efficiently maintained as the buffer size increases,

Buffered R-Tree The buffer tree is an (a,b)-tree [] with a = m/4 and b = m on O(n) leaves containing records.Attached to each internal node is a buffer of size O(m).All leaves are at the same and the tree has hieght O(log m n).The buffer tree can handle insertion, deletion and query operations. Intro to Algorithms: CHAPTER 19: B-TREES The number of disk pages accessed by B-TREE-SEARCH is therefore (h) = (log t n), where h is the height of the B-tree and n is the number of keys in the B-tree. Since n [ x ] < 2 t , the time taken by the while loop of lines 2-3 within each node is O ( t ), and the total CPU time is O ( th ) = O ( t log t n ). CiteSeerX — CS8803-DA Project Buffered R Trees A similar observation in the context of B Trees led to the proposal of a buffered version of the B Tree [2] which exploited batched operations to achieve much better amortized costs in comparison to the naïve B Tree. In this project we extend this idea to R Trees to come up with a buffered version of the R Tree. 2 Buffer Trees

The point-query complexities of a B-tree and a B"-tree are both logarithmic in the number of items (O(log B N)); a B"-tree adds a constant overhead of 1=". Compared to a B-tree with the same node size, a B "-tree reduces the fanout from B to B , making the tree taller by a factor of 1=". Thus, for example, querying a B"-tree, where " = 1=2

search operation (obtaining a one-dimensional buffered range tree). We prove an O((log m n)/B + r) amortized bound on the number of I/Os used by the operation, where r is the number of blocks reported. Furthermore, we use our technique to develop an external version of the segment tree supporting insert, delete, and batched search Buffered Tree Population Changes in a Quaternary Refugium Sep 20, 2002

To reduce this kind of overhead, the Java platform implements buffered I/O streams. Buffered input streams read data from a memory area known as a buffer; the native input API is called only when the buffer is empty. Similarly, buffered output streams write data to a buffer, and the native output API is called only when the buffer is full.

Wakeup scheduling and its buffered tree synthesis for (b) Buffered tree using adjustable delay buffers and the acknowledged signal (ACK). (c) Waveforms of I rush. The red waveform represents I rush when switch turn-on times are delayed by Δ delay. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the … MIT CSAIL Research Abstracts The B-tree, buffered-repository tree, and B-tree are not cache oblivious; they are parameterized by . There already exist several cache-oblivious dictionaries. The most well-studied is the cache-oblivious B-tree … A Guide to On-Farm Eucalyptus Growing in Kenya